A lifetime of knowledge and experience on a screen
Hire boats are a different breed to privately owned boats. You jump in your own boat, know exactly where everything is, you remember all of its odd little quirks and could control it with your eyes shut. But then you jump into a new hire boat – where’s the battery switch again? How much do I give it to get it to jump out of the hole? How’s the steering? When you’re in unfamiliar waters operating unfamiliar equipment, all of these tiny little details add up and can detract from the main purpose of enjoying the drive. So in order to take out one of those hassles, our latest commitment has been to our navigation – our GPS and sonar facilities.
All of our hire boats are fitted with the latest technology from Garmin so you don’t have to worry about odd characteristics of different areas. That sand bar that catches most people out at low tide? Not a problem with the almost photographic images that the Garmin 55DV puts out. With the 55DV we are able to pinpoint very best destinations that the broadwater has to offer and we even program the safest route to ensure that our customers can avoid anything untoward. Interstate visitors suddenly have a lifetime of navigating the Gold Coast Broadwater at their fingertips.
Obviously these incredible scans of the ocean bed and waypoints need screens to match and the 55DV doesn’t disappoint. The 5 inch high contrast display is the perfect size to see from the driver’s seat and also has automatic backlight adjustment so gone are the days of holding your hand above the screen to get some shade.
Customer safety is our priority at Coastal Ventures so by trusting Garmin with our navigation, we know our boats are in safe hands.
To find out a bit more about the islands that you’ll be navigating around, why not take a read through our Ultimate Guide to the Islands of the Gold Coast? It’s filled with fascinating stories, helpful information and how to access every island you see between here and Brisbane!